Sunday, April 24, 2011

Perfect Easter Gift!

With Easter upon us, I thought I would include a super cute idea for an Easter basket you could gift to the women in your life--  These baskets are so affordable and your family and friends will absolutely love these!

Start with a small easter basket, such as this yellow tin.
I found this one at Target for just $1!
This was only $1 at Target!

Yummy Summer Fruit

Pick up an EOS (Evolution of Smooth) lip balm.  You can find these at Ulta or Walgreens and these run about $4 each.  They come in lots of yummy flavors, and the ones featured in this post are Summer Fruit, Sweet Mint and Lemon Drop
Add some Easter grass and you have the perfect gift for all your friends and family! These are super inexpensive and so so cute!  You can open the packages and place the balm in the grass (so they look like Easter eggs!) or you can place the balm in its packaging directly in the basket-- love this!

1 comment:

  1. they are amazing lip balms! thanks alex for such a great gift!
